, which I guess is not the proper way. This item is typically only sold in Bars, but nevertheless cannot be used as food. Some of the genuine ways of making money in Kenshi are manufacturing weapons, creating Grog and selling. . The game will not warn you if this will break or ruin your game, it will just silently remove everything modded in. . Kenshi - Guide. Sake is a trade good which has a high mark-up price in United Cities, as well as a low price for sale in The Swamp. Production is moving nicely, and my funds dwindled from about 300k to 20k. I do not know what the 4th one is. Crafting. 123. SarCoPhAgUs. The list goes on, but you've got to stay. #8. r/Kenshi • DnD map for a Kenshi setting. It doesn't seem to be different from the run speed. Can you stack items Kenshi? Most Items. Here I simplify my four step process that can be used to get you to 500,000 CATS or more in very little tim. It also houses multiple Security Spiders II which will attack you on sight. It is grown at a Vegetable Farm or Hydroponic farm, and can be stored in barrels 250 at a time. Strawflour is an inedible raw ingredient created by milling Wheatstraw in a Grain Silo. Then make a quick trade caravan to sell what the crafter have done. Need to build animal feeder for my pack beasts. Luxury Goods are a Trade Good that can be bought and sold to make a profit. Strain into a shaker filled with ice. The primary fauna are Beak Things, making this region extremely dangerous, but also highly profitable. Last edited by Erei ; Oct 7, 2016 @ 12:32pm. i have now stable line of dustwich production and i feel like im on a good way, especially after capturing inquisitor. Technology must be researched in order to build all crafting stations. It is apparently owned by the Imperial Lords. Business, Economics, and Finance. Grog can be sold anywhere, so you can wander anywhere. Trade Goods are items generally meant for trading, crafting or other uses depending on the item. I have a Gorillo Dojo in a secluded location I used for training purposes. but there prity strong but cant farm for crap anywere i can settle were theres lots of animals and whats best to farm for a shekKenshi NPC logic is on another level. You can either join the guild or buy some weaponry and food from the bar. If you aren't opposed to mods, then there are a couple that either add vendors, or increase the money of the vendors in towns. Production Crafting Chainmail Sheet Fabrication Bench Copper Alloy Bench Electrical Workbench Fabric Looms. I literally run my city off of hemp. Everyone buys grog. It contains an abundant amount of hashish and hemp, resources which can be sold for massive profits at the nearby city Flats Lagoon. It uses 20 Wheatstraw and 1 Water per unit of Grog. I'd like to find myself a nice spot that doesn't involve taxes or praying. Labouring is the in-game skill that affects the character's ability to mine and use industrial machinery. Do you know which one is the most profitable if you use a base to farm these ? (Also, which cities or route are the best for hashish ?)Agnu is a Unique Recruit. Drain the kenshi rice and add it to a fermentation vessel. Not variable like hashish. Tech. Add water to the fermentation vessel, using a ratio of 1 part kenshi rice to 2 parts water. 8. Kenshi: The Grog Saga is a story driven kenshi play-through which follows the story of "Hand the Carrot" as he strives to make the best Grog distillery the d. It can be purchased from Trade Goods Traders at various settlements. Agnu will join the player after being freed. It's amazing at beating people up and wont eat them. It's arid so hydroponics are required. Cactus Rum is a trade good produced at the Rum Still. My faction runs the Gutter's Grog brewing company within Mongol and just a stones throw from stack is a rum distillery town. #footer_privacy_policy | #footer. instead they made around keeping player busy. The list goes on, but you've got to stay alive first. Apr 11, 2020 @ 5:19pm. Add a yeast starter to the fermentation vessel. Players can grow wheat at a Wheat Farm and store it in Storage: Wheatstraw after researching Wheatstraw Farming. Bottom Line Up FrontBLUF GamingA brief rundown of how to easily make money without stealing, save-scumming, or any combat whats. )Figured I'd make it known at least in case it has to do with Genesis. Bread and green friut for food cubes, wheat for the bread via the flour mill , wheat for grog (good cash crop). Intensify grog production with a few machines. 2 dashes Angostura bitters. I got a bit fed up running hash to FL because FL is the only place that buys it and has a decent amount of cash. The town of Eyesocket is located on a small hill, in the Stormgap Coast region. r/Kenshi. Shouldn't take more than 5 or 6 people involved in the process to feed everyone. A Sake Still creates Sake from Riceweed. So I pimped out a nice outpost in Mourn and decided to move my indoor grog production there. . . Then just need a rum distillery. . 3. Whenever the grog machine runs out of wheat, the maker just stands there. I had to go through and edit the value of each individual item. It can be constructed after researching Grog Distillation at Tech Level 2. After Building An Outpost or purchasing a Building in Town, crafting can be started. there is no "IRL" logic in kenshi's "economy" as goods and services have prices unrelated to complexity and length of production. They come in varying shapes and sizes. 3 - The range to detect the storage seems shorter when the camera is far away. FYI to new players: Kenshi's latest update silently disabled all mods. There's also a decent spot near the coast, North of the ghost village, decent resources and fertility. Five of these houses are locked, while the sixth house is destroyed. Athletics is one of Kenshi's in-game stats, that in combination with encumbrance, affects your movement speed. I tend to go for more aggressive way to make money, because it increase your fighting stats, while crafting doesn't. Katanas are probably the most valuable weapon for their size. Skeleton Eye. Slave Master Grande is in charge of this location. The base of the Cannibal Hunters is also called Bastion and located in the north haha. Only problem is the farms need water and the npc’s who supposed to water. Tech Level. It can be stored in the Storage: Hemp container. Green fruit you can also use as Biofuel. c. The Hub is a piece of crap town, it contains Shinobi Thieves Tower and a bar. The unique recruit Jewel comes with level 50 cooking. It requires a worker to operate. Grog Distillation (Tech) Edit Edit source View history Talk (0) This article has been updated for Kenshi version 0. So I pimped out a nice outpost in Mourn and decided to move my indoor grog production there. Meanwhile, I set up an intricate Grog. You can be a trader, a doctor, a peacekeeper, a business man, an explorer, or a mere slave. 2. © Valve Corporation. In-Game Description. For instance, The Holy Nation will sell Grog. Border Zone. . Add sake, rum and apple liqueur to a mixing glass. Mostly every lore bit from Kenshi is in the campaign but I heavily expanded on it to make a more interesting DnD campaign and make it fit with 5e, so thats why there is another continent and changed names. Weapons are great sources of income mid-end game cuz the better smiths you have the more weapon output, this is provided u have a steady iron/fabric/steel supply. 2. i made 4 wheat farms then tried to make bread out of it along with grog and anything else really, but it's uneffective and i regularly have to venture out in search for food for my colony. . Started a hydro farm for Wheatgrass in the bughouse on the east side of town with some moisture collectors on the roof (supplemented by local water supplies. Results. Border Zone. funds my foodcube stock and my grog production pretty damn well. This item can be found in previously mentioned locations, such as ancient labs, robotics shops, and surprisingly, not on Skeletons. ) I pull in about 30k cats faily from grog production coming off 2 machines, and supplement that income wish hash runs using one of my older garus, and I'm up to about 750k cats. For me, once you're combat-okay, the rest of the game is self directed goals. Cooking Cotton Farming Riceweed Farming Cactus Farming Wheatstraw Farming Baking Sake Distillation Grog Distillation Hemp Farming Rum Brewing Desert Cooking Advanced Cooking Hashish Production Automatic Flour Grinding Hydroponics Hydroponic Hemp Hydroponic Riceweed. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. bottleneck issue near squin coming from the north leads to a crash as the game tries to read into to many resources than it can handle. See moreGrog is the highest selling alcohol in all of Kenshi but also one of the only alcohols without a massive price mark-up in any location. Those black mails for example have not exaclty the best value/time ratio. Wheat XL farm produces 95 crops per day (exluding harvesting time) Thats 9,5 bread per day which is 285 nu per day. 291 votes, 15 comments. Using the Grog Machine trains the Cooking stat, and is affected by the cooking time reduction multiplier that a higher Cooking level brings. Kenshi > Game Mechanics & Feedback > Topic Details. . Robotic arms are also worth a lot but require a longer production line. List of factions concerned by this trade culture : Shek Kingdom Forbidden items (unspawnable items,. 19. I don't have a lot of hours into the game, but for what I've read probably the best crops would be wheatstraw and greenfruit, you process wheatstraw into strawflour and combine it with greenfruit so you can produce foodcubes, which gives 75 nutrition. Labouring. The value at any given town is randomized from town to town to allow for players to make profit via trading. The BEST towns in Kenshi - have a good read and cheers! 5. This guide hopes to help you get the most out of the deep automation functions in Kenshi. Border Zone is the most recognizable zone in the Kenshi community - that’s where you spawn as the wanderer. This is my second Steam guide, aiming to help with a feeling of helplessness Kenshi instills on new players. Yeah I have grog production constant, total micro brewery stuff, and do a trade run to net 100k every week. I’ll include the zones and the specific locations. Cactus is an inedible raw ingredient used in the crafting of Food & Cactus Rum. Grog Machine Hemp Processor Rum Still Sake Still. The list goes on, but you've got to stay alive first. They are sold by Trade Goods Traders at the 'Trade' building in towns. Newsletter. It cannot be consumed as food, nor is needed for any sort of cooling or dehydration prevention in the deserts of Kenshi. Rot is village run by the Hounds faction within the Swamp. Suggest joining their discord, and hitting them up in the bugs and. Mar 22, 2018 @ 1:37pm I have a question directly relating to this. I made it for my self but I am sure someone else wants this. Perception is reduced by -19% during dust storms. I do recommend getting a good set up first before starting to get that grog but to each there own. Grog Distillation Details. But honestly the best way to make money is to just find something you like doing on the side. Problem is wheat is much faster and provides more nu AND more nu/water. I’ll include the zones and the specific locations. Choose to be a thief, a bandit, a rebel, a warlord or a mercenary. Make sure you go through an manually re-enable your mods so you don't lose half your base like I just did. Increased Nutrition (Nu) values to offset price drop while selling to vendors. A relatively new player, I started my second game with the intention of setting up a smaller more efficient base with the intention of producing Hashish. Getting money the legitimate way is a hard process in Kenshi - you have to grind your stats to venture out of the outskirts of main cities, starting your outpost is at least 30-40 hours of gameplay and hunting Leviathans for pearls is… well, quite difficult. none Cooking Stove Rum Still Grog Machine Sake Still Characters can train their cooking skill by cooking food, or. They make good travelling rations, and can be very profitable to mass produce and sell. Nostalgia. Hydroponics Bays are smaller than outdoor farms, but can allow for bases to be built in any area without concern for what Environment it is. 格洛格酒(英文︰ Grog)是一种贸易货物,它在各地都较常见故没有特殊价格。 格洛格酒可以用格洛格酒酿造机消耗麦秸和水生产,成品可以储存于专用容器格洛格酒桶。Grog Barrels Water Tank Sake Barrels Rum Barrels Expanded mine production capacity has been removed from this mod and added to it's own separate mod here: Expanded Mine Capacity Check out my other mods: More Stacks Random Location Starts Wandering Cyborg Start Wandering Cyborg Random Start Location Cat Lon Start. It adds a research tree to take salt mining and processing all the way up to the Automated level. 2 - I'll try my way to have patrols, between seated guards. Ex: My hivers are building an alcohol trading empire based in the Burning Forest. e. . Choose to be a thief, a bandit, a rebel, a warlord or a mercenary. Storage Containers are buildings that can be built inside of Player-Owned Buildings in Town or at a Player Outpost. Obedience is a location in the northern section of the Fog Islands. Intro. Greenbeach. Where is Squin in Kenshi? Squin is a Major Town in the Border Zone housed in a narrow canyon. The Unique. the barrels or machine. I'm using the box storage inside one of the stormhouses in hub. It may contain out of date or incomplete information. A contraption for the distillation of sake, made from fermented riceweed. 330. Advanced Salt Production is a mod for Crow's World Gone Fishing . They are obtained from unconscious Wild Bulls or Pack Bulls, killing them in the process. Kenshi. Hydroponic farms require Water and Power to grow. Sake is made from Riceweed in a Sake Still using the Cooking skill. . Although if the waystation is in the same zone. Now that you know what the outposts are, I’ll give you some cool locations in which you can start your own outpost and thrive. What is your main source of income in Kenshi? I personally sell weapons and grog. grog goes for about $1K per keg everywhere I think. Bottle of grog: 1000 cats Selling a slave: 400 cats Life is cheap in Kenshi. The buildings/machines that make up a production chain should be placed as close as possible to each other while still leaving enough room for characters to path between them (don't. The Hub. Horrible, dry dry bread. Ray is a Unique Recruit. Kenshi. RE_Kenshi adds improvements to Kenshi that can't be achieved through traditional mod tools. It's much faster in the long run to make your cash using a mastersmith. Go to Kenshi r/Kenshi • by. You can be a trader, a doctor, a peacekeeper, a business man, an explorer, or a mere slave. Do you know which one is the most profitable if you use a base to farm these ? (Also, which cities or route are the best for hashish ?)Perception is the Statistic that determines how well a character will perceive things in their environment. All rights reserved. .