ago. I mean it's shadow + prophets cloak so Overflowing Dam will reward me for not missing. I am currentlly trying to build a azula flame med build so i dont know if i should put 40 intelligence for overflowing dam or 40 charisma for charm . Deepwoken Wiki is an easily accessible resource that has all the information about the well-known Roblox Deepwoken game. I know it's only visible when you have the weapon out but I'm planning on having my weapon equipped while invisible, so it's important. I have around the same build, I would suggest getting Ice Eruption, Ice Lance, and Glacial arc mantras as a must have. PVE Build Help Please. (atleast, as of Game Version: NOV 14 2022) There will be a second and third place, with second being the loser of the Finals and third place being the winner of the loser's bracket. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Spinning Swordsman. In this video I talk about how to create the perfect build in Deepwoken. Overflowing Dam 15% DMG Charm 10% DMG Charged Return 10% DMG Last Resort 10% DMG Underdog 10% DMG Exposed Durability 10%. 4, so this means that, with scaling at Lvl 60 (10% dmg to NPC's per Lvl (2297. . Pressing C will activate the Portal Resonance. OVERFLOWING DAM. ) Flamecharm: 100 (Big damage, Level 5 Mantras) Heavy Weapon: 100 (Big damage) Talents: Some Talents I need to make this build work. maybe its because of the race bonus, it doesn't register as 40 INT if you have a race bonus that increases INT by 2, so maybe add 1 more investment. Imagine having nothing better to do other than ganking ppl in the depths with max lvl slots. 0 coins. Deepwoken Hub. Go to deepwoken r/deepwoken. 40 INT for overflowing dam 35 agility (iirc) for ghost and COND runner and dash 20-40 willpower for cards or blindseer and exhaustion strike 50 charisma for the charm moves you can just put the rest into strength if you please, you can get show stopper. 0. 30 str spine cutter lose mind 50 ft for reinfoce 40 agil for talents and dash 40 intel for overflowing dam 40 wp for blindseer 25 ch for tough love. You can either go full tank defense and be OP or have increased damage on everything, your choice but im going the exact same build as the first. 42), which would gut certain abilities and weapons. Warriors respite. Advertisement Coins. I dont know any other talents to go for aside for fro zone and overflowing dam but idk the reqs and idk what other talents to go with (Supposed to be a vision shaper) 1 comment. Join. Deepwoken is a hardcore fantasy game developed by Monad Studios featuring permadeath, exploration, a challenging combat system and peril around every corner. 0. r/deepwoken • grandpa aga forgot to take his meds and now he’s talking about “deepwoken”. Bc I recommend getting 65wp 40 int for overflowing dam aswell as atdg. 1 Strength 3. Overflowing Dam. That. i would go 100 fort 100 will 40 int to get brick wall reinforced armor unfazed overflowing dam and atdg then shrine of order and go for ghost crunner lose your mind then get 100 hvy . Tryna figure out how much overflowing dam multiplies your m1. SirMonke47 · 2/27/2022. . one flourish to the wall can determine if you win or not. D1gytal · 2/27/2022 in General. To the finish, Blood shadow, Neuroplasticity, Overflowing dam, Singularity, Risky Moves, Dark Rift and, Shadow travel. Wait I thought it was 15%. Replyeureka is amazinghere's the discord: discord. 17K subscribers in the deepwoken community. Youll also need 60 iq stat for overflowing dam and etc. Go to deepwoken r/deepwoken • by. You could go for reinforced, you could go for azure flames, but I personally would. I've tried mystic but she doesn't have the dialogue for the adept caster. For example, you cannot get Vanishing Follow-Up, an Agility-based Legendary, if you only have 15 Agility, as it requires 40. . 33K views 3 weeks ago. Premium Powerups. 2. Exposed Durability 10% DMG. Underdog 10% DMG. Got 4v1 at lvl 15 in the depths. Don't need 100 Fort. Anyways slide me your Deepwoken wiki e girl some gems or a chilling fists enchant haha. Available for all devices! Made by Cyfer#2380D1gytal · 2/27/2022 in General. In this build I am going for a silentheart build with as much m1 damage as possible. Champions Regalia. Deepwoken Wiki is an easily accessible resource that has all the information about the well-known Roblox Deepwoken game. r/deepwoken. Hero Blades can be obtained by defeating the Blizzard Knights at Valley of Heroes during winter. 40 inteligence for overflowing dam bc silentheart= no mantra YAYAY and for idk intell talents? 35 will power for the the thing when ur 15% hp 10% dmg (lose ur mind too) and ye! vitality and erudition bc m1 build steadfast for armour gourmet for food and mushroom omlette obvious bc it free point hamophelia bc idk change if u wantSince LYM and Unfazed got a huge nerf, so i decided to make a new build (PVE) Conditioned Runner, Ghost, Overflowing Dam, Spine Cutter (take that for chaser to grant free hit), Exoskeleton, To The Finish, Warrior's Respite, Thresher Claws, Bloodiron Spirit, Speed Demon, Scuba Drowner, Nullifying Clarity, Underdog, Giantslayer, Charismatic. how to get overflowing dam? wut stat req (edited by HauntedArmor) 0 0 ImAMonke133 · 3/14/2022 40 int What do you think? Overflow dam. Mystic DeepwokenROBLOXMAKE SURE TO LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE VIDEOS! 👍How to use Mystic in DeepwokenWhat is Roblox? ROBLOX is an online virtual. View every talent within Deepwoken with extensive search functions. VIEW NEWER REPLIES. 38 votes, 41 comments. Risky moves. Just a question, but do you need any extra talents for overflowing dam or do I just have crazy bad luck? cause I got 40 int and haven't gotten it for 4 levels now. You can only obtain a Murmur if your Character is at least. I have a celtor with 40 int and got overflowing so no race bonus counts for talents. Like Oaths, players can only obtain one Murmur. Thank you for watching! Remember to Subscribe! and Turn on Post Notification!My SocialsDiscord Serverto deepwoken r/deepwoken. 5 comments. JOIN KEY EXPLOITS MARKET YEAHHHHH(ONLY JOIN ON AN ALT)JOIN MY MAIN DISC TOO. 50 fort, reinforce. SirMonke47 · 2/27/2022. A secret temple hidden inside a cliff in The Depths. 5 seconds or more grants an aura to your attacks that grant them 15% more damage. 136 wins out of 157 matches I got haha. game deepwoken no illegal leaks (1984) Join the Divers. Play Here: me-- 17 year old from florida, im just trying to make people happy with. honestly get 40 intel for overflowing dam Reply Lanky-Job7051 Blindseer • Additional comment actions. Having full Ether for 1. Best talent ever, change my mind. i got something similar but i went 40 intel preshrine along with brick wall for overflowing dam. My build was more min max, so I had 100 Medium, 75 Ice, 60 Fortitude and 60 Intelligence. 17K subscribers in the deepwoken community. the 10% damage resistance from monsters does make a big different in hell mode. • 4 days ago. 116. 100% Upvoted. Agility 40, ghost. Or 40 intel for overflowing dam Reply Zealousideal_Net_12 Starkindred • Additional comment actions. if it procs you can do a ton of damage if you are able to capitalize on the guard break. how to get overflowing dam? wut stat req (edited by HauntedArmor) 0 ImAMonke133 · 3/14/2022 40 int What do you think?Overflow dam. fort 40, exoskeleton (best card in the game). Charm 10% DMG. Any gear you find can be already enchanted. Prerequisite: 40 Intelligence (Mainly for Pve or Silentheart) killing 2 freshie killers in deepwoken. Enchantments have a set chances to be applied to a weapon during the following scenarios. start by upgrading willpower to 20, then agility to 35, then INT then charisma. if you do this though you cant get ghost and just get 25 agility and 97 heavy but i think overflowing is more important than ghost. 1k members in the deepwoken community. 5 x 1. absolute clowns. overflowing dam tho Reply Green-Spring7700 Starkindred • Additional comment actions. overflowing dam is always good 💀💀💀. I think it's double at max insanity. Currently using it just for solo prog but anyone is free to join if they want! 171. Or no ash slam at all and that would leave 40 int and 100 flamecharm. Silentheart -> 15% dmg buffDeepwoken Wiki is an easily accessible resource that has all the information about the well-known Roblox Deepwoken game. I mean it's shadow + prophets cloak so Overflowing Dam will reward me for not missing. RETURN TO THE DARK AGESIt's really good and not SUPER expensive so i'd say sure. Just my new build and my ganking clips :DThe Dragoon is a gun that can be bought in Summer Isle for 500 Notes and requires 65 points in Light Weapon to equip. Currently, there are three known obtainable Murmurs; Ardour, Tacet, and Rhythm. My pve build is pretty much the same except I got 50 strength for strong leap and 45 willpower, strong leap helps a lot for climbing walls and getting to chests. You want to get it because you will be using mantras alot (despite being mantraless). Deepwoken Wiki is an easily accessible resource that has all the information about the well-known Roblox Deepwoken game. The 2 fort is not essential, because I am a gremor, but the 40 intelligence is. 4 = 2297. 0 coins. (atleast, as of Game Version: NOV 14 2022) There will be a second and third place, with second being the loser of the Finals and third place being the winner of the loser's bracket. Having the Deepbound Origin, which grant access to an alternative entrance that only they can interact with. This talent prevents a talent from being rollable in a deck of hands. Piotr451 • 7 days ago. wp 40, exhaustion strike. 85. Overflowing dam. (however this would probably conflict with. Yeah, it's liké 40 - 50% extra FREE damage nearly all of thé time. its there mostly as a placeholder, i was kinda indecisive between using a Kyrstreza or a kyrblade. Available for all devices! Made by Cyfer#2380. Overflowing dam BRICK WALL (Perseverance) REINFORCED ARMOR (All Bastion Talents) (The only reason why anyone goes 100 fortitude and 100 willpower)The Floating Keep was a temporary location in Deepwoken. Available for all devices! Made by Cyfer#2380. Alright then, lets take in Ardour Scream and the Fight command, that's 50% and then another 40% (I think or around so), so 1094 x 1. If you liked the video like the video!And Subscribe for the homie: r/deepwoken. Charged Return 10% DMG. Deepwoken is a hardcore fantasy game developed by Monad Studios featuring permadeath, exploration, a challenging combat system and peril around every corner. Entering. 75 light skill 75 frostdraw 25 charisma 25 intelligence 65 fortitude for Khan shield 25 agility for whatever that talent is called that summons ice things around you that make you take less dmg That's what I have rn and it works pretty well there's still. 3. game deepwoken no illegal leaks (1984) Join the Divers. Temple of Hearts is a location in Deepwoken. 287 votes, 337 comments. 3. Last Resort 10% DMG. ago. Intelligence: 0, Charisma: 2 - Deepwoken players in real life fr. 33. Last Resort 10% DMG. 4. I think it's double at max insanity. Lis of All Deepwoken Talent. Why can’t I get overflowing damn : r/deepwoken. Agility 50, jetstriker. Could help you with the entire build stats if you'd like. Put rest into med and u should have 75, the final stats should look something. 80% of the player base runs anyway so you've got a pretty good chance. This is a preview of my gale build I hope you enjoy it. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright. People seem to underrate cloudstone astral wind, it really messes with parry timings because people don’t expect it to be slower than normal and parry the first hit but get destroyed don’t the next 3-4. Charm 10% DMG. r/deepwoken • 18 days ago. Yo Im making a silent heart pvp build and i need overflowing dam but after 18 levels I still don't have it. Honestly, Int is so bad with the recent nerfs particularly Overflowing dam. Please contact the moderators of. Overflowing Dam is pretty shit now, it procs after 3 seconds with full ether, meaning you cant mantra spam or waste any ether in 1v1s because if you do you lose the 10% damage. Apply cloud stones/stratus stones to Ice Eruption, and 1 - 3 glass stones to make glacial arc both mobility and attack. 40 Intelligence - Overflowing dam. r/deepwoken • Made my own guild and to celebrate, I drew a silly little image >:3. So you guys put in your votes for the characters I should add to my Deepwoken-inspired series, "Deepfall" I'm gonna mix my own characters with your characters. using shrine and balancing it to med weapon, int, and agility makes it so I can get overflowing dam, exo, audacity, ghost, and all the charisma talents in the same run. 0. It appears to be a medieval keep, and very grand in appearance. bored as fuck so lets calculate the most damage of 1 m1. (Omniscient) (Note; Cannot give All Knowing) I sabotage others. One of the most eventful populated islands in the Eastern Luminant, having basically the essentials of starter islands: an inn, guards, training gear along with nice additions, those. They chiefly serve to further define the player character's potential, personality, and story- providing a progressable set of abilities alongside a set of rules or actions to swear under. Overflowing Dam 15% DMG. roblox game deepwoken no illegal leaks (1984) Advertisement Coins. Portals, also referred to as Yoru, is a Resonance that players can obtain, and is uncommon to roll. Perfect Flash. 25x damage if full health and also neuroplasticity so you can at least fill your mantras with vibrant gems. AutoModerator • 2 mo. Flamekeeper cestuses-> lht with very good dmg and blunt dmg. 0 coins. Oh hell naww garfield trynna get that overflowing dam charismatic cast!! (But never 100 in the main source of m1 damage!!)The Hero Blades are a set of weapons available in Deepwoken. Nobody runs overflowing dam to know that LMAO. 5 seconds or more grants an aura to your attacks that grants them 15% more damage. Is this a good arcwarder build. 0 coins. Exposed Durability 10% DMG. 58. Deepwoken stats builder / planner / maker, with full talents and mantra support.